Segregated Fund Buying Process
Before you buy a segregated fund, your advisor must give you the following
- information folder
- summary fact statement
- financial statements
and you will sign a receipt to acknowledge that you have received this information
(In contrast, with a mutual fund you are deemed to have received a prospectus after it has been mailed to you. No proof of receipt is needed.)
Information Folder
- like a prospectus for mutual funds
- key document
- describes the policy contract
- your advisor must give you one and get your signed acknowledgment
- includes
- audited financial statements
- notes to the audited financial statements
- identification of guaranteed benefits and nonguaranteed benefits
- that benefits fluctuate
- charges on withdrawals
- how benefits are determined
- tax status of the segregated fund and policyowners ("contractholders"_
- management fees, …
Summary Fact Statement
- like a simplified prospectus for mutual funds
- snapshot of the fund, including
- historical performance
- investment policies
- three largest single holdings (though more are often included)
- updates sent regularly (e.g., semiannually)
Financial Statements
- included in the Information Folder at the time of purchase
- must be current and audited
- updated sent annually
page revision: 13, last edited: 01 Jan 2008 23:55