Group A&S
Group Accident and Sickness (Group A&S)
Health insurance is available to all Canadians through provincial health plans. The services vary and have limits. Group Accident & Sickness insurance provides additional coverage, the same goal as individual plans.
Extended Health Care
- also called "Major Medical"
- fills gaps in government health plans, e.g., by providing the same benefits as individual plans
Group Dental Plans
- like individual plans
- often probationary period for pre-existing conditions
Vision Care
- for purchase or replacement of glasses or contact lenses
- maximum benefit per period of time (e.g., $200 every 24 months)
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- an employee benefit, not an insurance product
- employer paid
- generally only in large companies
- provide consultation to employees and their families for immediate support, education, access to resources for many employee needs, e.g.,
- counseling for stress or drug addictions
- financial counseling
- legal advice (e.g., family law, bankruptcy, divorce)
- group plans have deductibles and coinsurance, as with individual coverage
Coordination of Benefits (COB)
- the CLHIA developing guidelines to coordinate health and dental benefits from all group plans which cover a person and their family
- prevents the insured from profiting by submitting multiple claims for the same expenses
- some group plans may not have Coordination of Benefits
- the primary carrier pays first
- a plan without Coordination of Benefits is the primary carrier
- the secondary carrier pays a balance to the lesser of
- the amount it would have paid as the primary carrier
- 100% of the eligible expenses less the benefits payable for those expenses by the primary carrier
page revision: 12, last edited: 17 Dec 2012 15:45