Estate Freeze
Table of Contents
Transfer appreciating assets (eg, to children) on a tax-deferred basis without losing control
The goal of an estate freeze is to transfer future increases in the value of an OpCo to the common shares of a Holdco.
- typically limits the value of the parents’ shares to the value at the time of the freeze
- parents retain the current value, but in a different form (e.g., common shares —> preferred shares)
- tranferring assets directly could result in a deemed disposition

There are five main uses for an estate freeze
- Income Splitting
- Creditor Protection
- Marital Considerations
- Probate Planning
- Incorporation Tax Benefits
Income Splitting
- income and capital gains may be taxed in the hands of family members in a lower tax bracket
- may give access to multiple lifetime capital gain exemptions
Note: watch out for the attribution rules and "kiddie tax"
Creditor Protection
- freezor’s shares may be subject to claims due to personal guarantees or judgments favouring creditors
Marital Considerations
- limits marital claims on the growth assets
Probate Planning
- probate fees apply to the value of an estate
- limits future growth of assets —> limits value of freezor’s estate —> reduces probate fees
Incorporation Tax Benefits
- eg, could create another business to be frozen which is not related to the existing Opco
How It Works
Characteristics of the freeze shares
- voting rights —> effective control
- redeemable by issuer: Holdco can redeem them at any time
- retractable by holder: shareholder can demand that they be redeemed
- preference on liquidation
- price adjustable if CRA challenges share value
- dividend-paying (e.g., noncumulative)
- non-impairable (e.g., dividends payable to other classes only if still able to retract)

In the diagram above
- freeze shares
- little or no participation in future growth (eg, preferred shares)
- often the pre-existing shares
- growth shares
- equity shares with rights to future appreciation (eg, common shares)
- initially have nominal value
- family trust
- often used to manage and administer property for the beneficiaries
- gives some control
- protects against employee mismanagement
- trustees may be allowed to determine the beneficiaries
- promissaory note
- protects against the attribution rules
- often used to manage and administer property for the beneficiaries
There are two ways to implement an estate freeze
- Section 85 Rollover: a tax-deferred tansaction
- Section 86 Reorganization: simpler and more popular
Section 85 Rollover
This is a tax-deferred transaction.
- exchange Opco common shares for Holdco preferred shares with voting rights
- same value
- no capital gain (ACBpreferred = ACBcommon)
- could increase ACB, which would trigger a current year taxable gain
- preferred shares have a fixed value (eg, $600,000)
Section 86 Reorganization
This is simpler and more popular.
- the steps
- exchange Opco common shares for preferred shares
- issue common shares of Opco (eg to children)
- no Holdco is required
- automatic tax rollover
- no capital gain (ACBpreferred = ACBcommon)
- can use Section 85 election form to cause a disposition of common share for amounts above the ACB
- Estate freeze cushions effect of death and taxes
(Globe and Mail, Mar 2010)
page revision: 34, last edited: 01 Nov 2011 18:00