Defined Contribution Pension Plan
also called a "Money Purchase Plan"
Employers often prefer Defined Contribution pension plans over Defined Benefit plans since risks are transferred to employees.
- Pension Adjustment (PA) = employee contributions + employer contributions
- advantages to the employer
- employer contributions known precisely
- lower cost
- easier administration
- employee make investment choices and bears investment risk → pension amount unknown
- up to age 69, the employee can roll the funds into a locked-in RRSP (LIRA)
- must liquidate by age 69 and buy a life annuity, LIF or LRIF
- pooled contributions from employees and employers to provide pension income
- the cost of the plan is known for both the employee and employer
- investment returns are unknown → the value of the pension is unknown
- employees choose the investments from the choices available (as with a self-directed RRSP)
- at retirement, the employee can
- buy a life annuity or
- transfer of the funds to a LIRA or LIF
page revision: 7, last edited: 29 Jul 2007 03:42